Hello, many of you were interested in my first article and I thank you! 🙂
As promised, I'm coming back to tell you the rest of the story of my online store MY1996.
In the previous article, it was 2022 and we had just expanded the team with Flora and Léonie.
The end of 2022 was marked by various changes.
The first concerns the move into new premises with our first real storage space of 250m2 with high ceilings.
We can finally store pallets and provide larger stocks when collections are released. No more sharing stock and offices in the same room, no more carrying heavy boxes up the stairs. We appreciate it and I would even say that we are reliving it!
At the same time, we are recruiting Angeline, who takes care of after-sales service and Sophie in charge of communications as well as our second brand Alma Paris which we are preparing to launch.
Finally, we close the year with the creation of our showroom where our local customers can enjoy special moments of shopping in an intimate space. It’s Nathalie and Carmen who welcome our customers every week with a smile.
In January 2023, we are releasing the first Alma Paris collection. Our objective with this second brand is to create our own collections of women's clothing made mainly in France.
The year 2023 continues in the same dynamic as 2022.
However, one of my missions requires a lot of time and energy each month and I feel like I cannot devote myself fully to it. These are the photos. So I made the decision at the start of the school year to recruit Estelle, our new photo model and content creator.
It was a risky decision because my community is used to me and my body type. Fortunately, Estelle has been very well received by our clients and it is a real pleasure to work with her.
Delegating the missions little by little was not easy, because we are not going to hide it: MY1996 is my baby! But in order to perform well and develop, it is important to surround yourself well. To this day, I consider this to be the case and I am very happy with my team!
Today we are in 2024, 5 years after the release of the very first collection. If someone had told me at that time the adventure that awaited me, I would not have believed it!
I am posting this article to you as a sign of thanks because without you, we would not be here today. It's also an opportunity for me to take stock of the last few years and the crazy adventure of MY1996. I am moved to realize how far I have come… And for that, I say to you: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
This new year has many surprises and projects in store for us, which we will communicate to you soon on Instagram.
See you soon!